Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Tragia ramosa Torrey
(Noseburn, Branched Noseburn)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Status: Native
Tragia nepetifolia Cavanilles var. ramosa (Torrey) Mueller Argoviensis
Tragia stylaris Mueller Argoviensis
Tragia ramosa is a spreading herb with strongly dentate lanceolate leaves. The herbage
is armed with stiff stinging hairs. The minute flowers and fruit are easy to miss.
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Tragia ramosa, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., WD Ranch Road, Aug. 28, 2007

Tragia ramosa, field macro of flowers, photo Russ Kleinman and the GNPS field trip to Signal Peak, Black Range, Signal Peak turnoff, July 19, 2009

Tragia ramosa, field macro of fruit, photo Russ Kleinman and the GNPS field trip to Signal Peak, Black Range, Signal Peak turnoff, July 19, 2009
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