Mosses of New Mexico Outside of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Tayloria serrata (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
Family: Splachnaceae
Status: Native
Splachnum serratum Hedw.
Splachnum tenue var. serratum (Hedwig) Hampe
Tayloria serrata differs from T. acuminata in the length of the leaf tip, but most
importantly in the peristome. The peristome teeth of T. serrata are not split as they are
in T. acuminata although they can be connate in pairs. Both have rhizoidal brood bodies-- multicellular, uniseriate extensions
of the rhizoid tips that differ from the rhizoids themselves in being darker and having shorter cells,
aside from disconnecting from the rhizoids and dispersing.
Many thanks to the University of Colorado Herbarium (COLO), Erin Tripp, and Dina Clark for permitting
us to photograph this specimen.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Tayloria serrata, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, photomicrograph of capsule and peristome, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, photomicrograph of moistened stem, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, dark field photomicrograph of leaf, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, photomicrograph of leaf base, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, dark field photomicrograph of leaf apex, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, dark field photomicrograph of rhizoidal brood bodies, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, dark field photomicrograph of rhizoidal brood bodies, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960

Tayloria serrata, dark field photomicrograph of rhizoidal brood body, collection by Seville Flowers (det. by Paul C. Marino, March 2001) Canada,
British Columbia, Kootenai Lake near Boswell, on humus over rock, August 5, 1960
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