Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Senecio parryi A. Gray
(Mountain Ragwort)
Family: Asteraceae
Status: Native
Senecio parryi was reported in the Mogollons of New Mexico by Barkley in 2006, but no specimens could be found by Allred. This three foot tall likely perennial was unverified for our state until August, 2022, when Radha Veach found a healthy population in the Mogollons a mile from the top of a trail leading down to Whitewater Creek. The leaves are clasping and toothed, about 10cm long and 2cm wide. The inflorescence has a yellow disc. The ray flowers are said to number 13, but in the field many of the rays have fallen yielding inflorescences with generally 4-8 ray flowers. The peduncle is glandular pubescent. The pappus consists of capillary bristles. Senecio parryi was found by Radha on a south facing, rocky old two track in a relatively dry area at 6,500 feet elevation in the Mogollons.
Many thanks to Radha Veach for finding and alerting us to Senecio parryi in New Mexico!
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Senecio parryi, photo Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, August 27, 2022

Senecio parryi, photo Russ Kleinman, Kelly Allred & Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, September 6, 2022

Senecio parryi, inflorescence, photo Russ Kleinman, Kelly Allred & Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, September 6, 2022

Senecio parryi, flowerhead, photo photo Russ Kleinman, Kelly Allred & Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, September 6, 2022

Senecio parryi, closeup of inflorescence, photo Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, August 27, 2022

Senecio parryi, closeup of clasping leaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Kelly Allred & Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, September 6, 2022

Senecio parryi, base of plant, photo photo Russ Kleinman, Kelly Allred & Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, September 6, 2022

Senecio parryi, field stacked macro of glandular pubescent peduncle, photo Russ Kleinman, Kelly Allred & Radha Veach, Mogollon Mtns., Powerhouse Trail #810, September 6, 2022

Senecio parryi, photomicrograph of cypsela, photo Radha Veach, Mogollon, November 9, 2022
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