Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Schkuhria pinnata (Lamarck) Kuntze ex Thellung var. wislizeni (Gray) B.L. Turner
(Wislizenus's Threadleaf)
Family: Asteraceae
Status: Native
Schkuhria wislizeni Gray
Schkuhria wislizeni Gray var. frustrata Blake
Schkuhria wislizeni Gray VAR. wrightii (Gray) Blake
Schkuhria wrightii Gray
Schkuhria pinnata var. wislizeni is a small and inconspicuous herb of the roadside. It grows with Heterosperma pinnatum and Dyssodia papposa, both of which it resembles. The leaves are threadlike and the flowers are small. However, there are no large orange glands as in Dyssodia papposa, and the obvious purple tipped phyllaries with round glands differentiates it from Heterosperma pinnatum.
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Schkuhria pinnata var. wislizeni, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & Carey Anne Lafferty, Black Range, McKnight Road, Oct. 4, 2008

Schkuhria pinnata var. wislizeni, closeup, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & Carey Anne Lafferty, Black Range, McKnight Road, Oct. 4, 2008

Schkuhria pinnata var. wislizeni, detail of flower and phyllaries, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & Carey Anne Lafferty, Black Range, McKnight Road, Oct. 4, 2008
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