Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Rosulabryum andicola (Hooker) Ochyra
Family: Bryaceae
Status: Native
Bryum andicola Hooker
Rosulabryum andicola, like R. capillare, has stems with leaves grouped at the top (rosulate). However, unlike R. capillare, R. andicola has leaves
that are strongly toothed at the apex and that have a more conspicuous border of elongate, hyaline cells. Perhaps the most obvious difference between
R. capillare and R. andicola is that R. andicola has filiform axillary gemma. R. andicola is at the northernmost extent of its range in
New Mexico, and the leaves (1.7mm long in our material) are significantly shorter than farther south where they can be 4mm long. We found R. andicola
on an arid mountaintop on soil at the base of a north facing boulder.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Rosulabryum andicola, macro of dry habit, photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, dark field photomicrograph of wet stem with obvious axillary gemmae in upper leaf axils, photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, new stems (innovations) are short and rosulate, photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, photomicrograph of upper half of leaf showing strongly toothed
apex and wide obvious border of leaf (limbidium), photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, photomicrograph of profile of upper half of leaf showing strongly toothed
apex and wide obvious border of leaf (limbidium), photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, photomicrograph of limbidium at midleaf, photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, photomicrograph of axillary gemma, photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016

Rosulabryum andicola, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman,
Scott Zager & Karen Blisard, Tres Hermanas, near top of North Peak, March 9, 2016
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