Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Ptychostomum cernuum (Hedw.) Hornsch.
Family: Bryaceae
Status: Native
Cynontodium cernuum Hedw.
Bryum uliginosum (Bridel) Bruch & Schimper
Ptychostomum cernuum has an extremely long, curved capsule on a long seta, which is probably the
surest field character to hint at the proper identification. The leaves are nearly elliptic
(widest at midleaf) with a short awn. The leaves have a strong, 2-stratose limbidium.
Many thanks to the University of Colorado Herbarium (COLO), Erin Tripp, and Dina Clark for permitting us to
photograph this specimen.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Ptychostomum cernuum, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, vegetative portion of plant (dry), collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of capsules, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of leaf apex, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of leaf base, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of cells at midleaf, collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023

Ptychostomum cernuum, photomicrograph of cross section at leaf margin (2-stratose), collection by R.A. Studhalter & J.Marr, San Miguel County, Gallinas Canyon near
Las Vegas, on rock near stream, June 20, 1936 (ID as "Pohlia" by the collectors, annotated to
"Ptychostomum cernuum Hornschuch" by W.A. Weber, March 10, 2004); photos by Russ Kleinman, Kelly
Allred, Karen Blisard, Stacey Anderson, and Ron Wittmann January 19, 2023
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