Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Plagiomnium rostratum (Schrader) T.J. Koponen
Family: Mniaceae
Status: Native
Mnium rostratum Schrader
Mnium longirostrumBridel
Plagiomnium rostratum has ovate leaves that can be nearly round. The margins have short blunt teeth or can be
entire, without obvious teeth at all. The leaf apices are rounded, usually with a short mucro. Long arching sterile (plagiotropic) stems are present. Antheridia and archegonia are both found together at the tip of fertile branches (synoicous). P. rostratum can be easily confused with Rhizomnium if the sterile plagiotropic stems are not obvious. P. rostratum is found along upper elevation creeks.
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Plagiomnium rostratum, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, single stem, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, plagiotropic stem (compound scope), photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, plagiotropic stem (stereoscope), photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, dark field photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, photomicrograph of leaf apex, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, photomicrograph of leaf margin, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, photomicrograph of leaf margin, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021

Plagiomnium rostratum, photomicrograph of synoicous branch tip with both antheridia and archegonia, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Allred, San Miguel Cty., Gallinas Cyn., July 13, 2021
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