Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Piptochaetium pringlei (Beal) Parodi
(Pringle's Needlegrass)
Family: Poaceae
Status: Native
Stipa pringlei Beal
Piptochaetium pringlei is a tuft grass with one floret per spikelet. The glumes totally enclose the floret and the there is disarticulation above the glumes. The glumes are about 10mm long, compared to glumes about 5mm long in Piptochaetium fimbriatum. There is an awn that is about 1-3 cm long. The inflorescence is a panicle.
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Piptochaetium pringlei, photo Russ Kleinman, Bill Norris, Richard Felger, Danielle Walkup and the GNPS Dendrology Seminar, Cherry Creek Campground, Sept. 3, 2008

Piptochaetium pringlei, floret, photo Russ Kleinman, Bill Norris, Richard Felger, Danielle Walkup and the GNPS Dendrology Seminar, Cherry Creek Campground, Sept. 3, 2008
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