Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda
Family: Pelliaceae
Status: Native
Pellia fabbroniana Raddi
Blasia epiphylla (L.) Fr.
Gymnomitrion epiphyllon (L.) Huebener
Jungermannia epiphylla L.
Marsilia epiphylla (L.) Lindb.
Pellia fabroniana Raddi
Scopulina epiphylla (L.) Dumort.
Pellia epiphylla is a simple thallous liverwort (the thallous is one cell thick). It tolerates dessication poorly and is slow to rehydrate after drying. It is dioicous-- the male and female parts are found on different plants when reproductive. There are several small oil bodies in each cell of the thallous. 2-celled slime papillae (actually 2-celled hairs, not papillae in the usual moss-sense) are found on the undersurface (ventral surface) of the thallus at the apex. When in good, hydrated condition, the midvein is not obvious, but as the thallous dries a midvein becomes evident. When completely dry, the thallous is black and the midvein is once again not easily visible. When present, antheridia can be found above the base of the midvein. Pellia epiphylla is found at upper elevation along forest-shaded streams.
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Pellia epiphylla (growing with a leafy liverwort), photo Karen Blisard, Russ Kleinman, Stacey Anderson & Bayard "Mo" Ewing, Rio Arriba Cty., Carson National Forest, CD trail alongside Canjilon Creek above Canjilon Lakes Cmpgd., June 16, 2021

Pellia epiphylla (growing with a leafy liverwort), closeup of well-hydrated liverwort, photo Karen Blisard, Russ Kleinman, Stacey Anderson & Bayard "Mo" Ewing, Rio Arriba Cty., Carson National Forest, CD trail alongside Canjilon Creek above Canjilon Lakes Cmpgd., June 16, 2021

Pellia epiphylla, photomicrograph of single rehydrated thallus with midvein evident, photo Karen Blisard, Russ Kleinman, Stacey Anderson & Bayard "Mo" Ewing, Rio Arriba Cty., Carson National Forest, CD trail alongside Canjilon Creek above Canjilon Lakes Cmpgd., June 16, 2021

Pellia epiphylla, photomicrograph of slime papillae, photo Karen Blisard, Russ Kleinman, Stacey Anderson & Bayard "Mo" Ewing, Rio Arriba Cty., Carson National Forest, CD trail alongside Canjilon Creek above Canjilon Lakes Cmpgd., June 16, 2021

Pellia epiphylla, photomicrograph of cells of thallous with oil bodies, photo Karen Blisard, Russ Kleinman, Stacey Anderson & Bayard "Mo" Ewing, Rio Arriba Cty., Carson National Forest, CD trail alongside Canjilon Creek above Canjilon Lakes Cmpgd., June 16, 2021

Pellia epiphylla, photomicrograph of cells of thallous with oil bodies, photo Karen Blisard, Russ Kleinman, Stacey Anderson & Bayard "Mo" Ewing, Rio Arriba Cty., Carson National Forest, CD trail alongside Canjilon Creek above Canjilon Lakes Cmpgd., June 16, 2021
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