Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Monarda punctata Linnaeus var. occidentalis (Epling) Palmer & Steyermark
(Spotted Pagoda Plant, Spotted Beebalm)
Family: Lamiaceae
Status: Native
Monarda punctata var. occidentalis is an erect mint with lanceolate leaves. It differs from M. citriodora in that M. punctata has acute calyx lobes rather than the long sharp (aristate) calyx lobes of M. citriodora. Monarda punctata is expected in the Gila, but there are as yet no specimens of it from the Gila NF in the herbarium at WNMU. This photo illustrates the acute but not aristate calyx lobes very well in a collection by Jack Carter from Lea County, New Mexico. It has been confused with M. citriodora by previous collectors here.
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Monarda punctata var. occidentalis, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, August 18, 2022; collection by Jack Carter and Sheila Christy, Lea County NM, June 2, 1992
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