Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Krameria lanceolata Torrey
(Prostrate Ratany, Trailing Ratany)
Family: Krameriaceae
Status: Native
Krameria secundiflora auct. non A.P. de Candolle
Krameria lanceolata is a prostrate, spreading herb that is somewhat uncommon in the Gila National Forest. It has beautiful strands of crimson to purplish flowers with green centers. The fruits are hairy and spherical with spikes projecting from the surface. Each indehiscent (remaining on the plant for an extended period) pod contains only one seed. Krameria lanceolata is found in the Gila and is herbaceous while Krameria erecta is found in the Florida Mountains and is woody. Krameria lanceolata is found on dry hillsides at middle elevation.
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Krameria lanceolata, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Mangas Canyon Road, May 2, 2007

Krameria lanceolata, closeup of flower, photo Russ Kleinman, Ridge road at the Grant Cty. airport, Sept. 9, 2009

Krameria lanceolata, 1x field macro of flower, photo Russ Kleinman, Ridge road at the Grant Cty. airport, Sept. 9, 2009

Krameria lanceolata, growth habit, photo Russ Kleinman, Ridge road at the Grant Cty. airport, Sept. 9, 2009

Krameria lanceolata, 1x field macro of herbage, photo Russ Kleinman, Ridge road at the Grant Cty. airport, Sept. 9, 2009

Krameria lanceolata, flowering branch, photo Russ Kleinman, Ridge road at the Grant Cty. airport, Sept. 9, 2009

Krameria lanceolata, 5-8mm hairy pod with spikes, photo Russ Kleinman, Ridge road at the Grant County airport, March 2, 2010
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