Mosses of New Mexico Outside of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Gertrudiella nevadensis (R.H. Zander) J.A. Jiménez & M.J. Cano
Family: Pottiaceae
Status: Native
Didymodon nevadensis R.H. Zander
Gertrudiella nevadensis has low, inconspicuous papillae, much like Geheebia tophacea, but the cells on the
adaxial costa of G. nevadensis are not elongate. The leaf is narrowly channeled at the apex, appearing as deep folds when
looked at from above through the compound scope. The leaf margins of G. nevadensis are recurved most of the
length of the leaf. The leaf cross section is also notable for a one stratose adaxial pad of rectangular, papillose cells.
Many thanks to the University of Colorado Herbarium (COLO), Erin Tripp and Dina Clark for loaning us this specimen for photography.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Gertrudiella nevadensis, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, macro of habit, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, macro of habit, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of moistened stem, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el, July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf apex, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf base, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of cells at midleaf, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023/h4>

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of adaxial cells of costa at mid leaf, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf cross section, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf cross section, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023

Gertrudiella nevadensis, photomicrograph of leaf cross section, collection and ID by Seville Flowers (det. by R.H. Zander as
Didymodon nevadensis 1995-6), Utah, San Juan County, Colorado River, Lake Canyon,
on dry sandstone, 3,400 ft el., July 15, 1958; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, June 13, 2023
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