Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Gemmabryum exile (Dozy & Molk.) J.R. Spence & H.P. Ramsay
Family: Bryaceae
Status: Native
Bryum exileDozy & Molk.
Brachymenium exile (Dozy & Molk.) Bosch & Sande Lac.
Osculatia exilis (Dozy & Molk.) Ochyra, Plášek & Bedn.-Ochyra
Gemmabryum exile is unusual among the genus Gemmabryum in its long, stringy habit,
and the obvious presence of abundant axillary bulbils and rhizoidal tubers. The tubers are typically
from 100-200µm in size. These characters together make
it fairly easy to recognize. The leaves have plain margins, no distinctive border, and a costa that
is excurrent into an orange awn in this specimen (but is apparently shorter in other specimens).
Many thanks to the University of Colorado Herbarium (COLO), Erin Tripp & Dina Clark for allowing us
to photograph this specimen.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Gemmabryum exile, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, dark field photomicrograph of stem, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, dark field photomicrograph of tip of stem loaded with bulbils, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, dark field photomicrograph of tip of stem loaded with bulbils (pulled apart
a bit to show them better), collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaves and bulbils after stripping from stem, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaf, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaf in profile, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaf apex, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of leaf base, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of bulbil, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of bulbil, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023

Gemmabryum exile, photomicrograph of rhizoidal tuber, collection by W.A. Weber & D McVean (duplicate determined
by J.R. Spence, 2005), Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka, on street trees,
June 22, 1968; photos by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 24, 2023
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