Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Euphorbia brachycera Engelmann
(Horned Spurge)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Status: Native
Euphorbia lurida Engelmann
Euphorbia montana Engelmann
Euphorbia montana Engelmann var. robusta Engelmann
Euphorbia odontadenia Boissier
Euphorbia philora (Cockerell) Tidestrom
Euphorbia robusta (Engelmann) Small ex Britton
Tithymalus brachycerus (Engelmann) Small
Tithymalus luridus (Engelmann) Wooton & Standley
Tithymalus mexicanus (Engelmann) Wooton & Standley
Tithymalus montanus (Engelmann) Small
Tithymalus robustus (Engelmann) Small
Euphorbia brachycera is a glabrous (smooth) annual with small flowers in clusters of three branches grouped in what appear to be umbels.
The glands are yellow and horned. There are no appendages. The leaves are sessile and give the stem a perfoliate appearance.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Euphorbia brachycera, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Burro Mtns., Deadman Canyon, June 13, 2007

Euphorbia brachycera, growth habit, photo Russ Kleinman, Apache Creek, July 4, 2009

Euphorbia brachycera, 1x field macro of glands with horns, photo Russ Kleinman, Apache Creek, July 4, 2009

Euphorbia brachycera, cyathium in autumn, photo Russ Kleinman & Richard Felger, Myer Canyon, November 11, 2009

Euphorbia brachycera, capsule, photo Russ Kleinman, Apache Creek, July 4, 2009
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