Mosses of New Mexico Outside of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Drepanocladus polygamus (Schimper) Hedenäs
Family: Amblystegiaceae
Status: Native
Amblystegium polygamum Schimper
Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimper) Kanda
Campylium polygamum (Schimper) C. E. O. Jensen
Campylium polygamum var. fluitans Grout
Campylium polygamum var. minus (Schimper) G. Roth
Drepanocladus polygamus looks rather intermediate between Drepanocladus aduncus and Campylium chrysophyllum. Like Drepanocladus aduncus, it has inflated alar cells. Like Campylium chrysophyllum, the leaves can spreading or channeled. The laminar cells are longer as in D. aduncus. The leaves are not usually falcate secund in D. polygamus, although straight leaved specimens of D. aduncus do occur.
Many thanks to the J.M. Holzinger Moss Herbarium of the University of Minnesota for loaning us this specimen which was collected by P.C. Standley and determined by A.J. Grout.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Drepanocladus polygamus, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914

Drepanocladus polygamus, closeup of stem, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914

Drepanocladus polygamus, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914

Drepanocladus polygamus, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914

Drepanocladus polygamus, photomicrograph of leaf base with inflated alar cells, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914

Drepanocladus polygamus, photomicrograph of leaf apex, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914

Drepanocladus polygamus, photomicrograph of stem cross section, photo Kelly Allred February 26, 2022, specimen collected by P.C. Standley & H.C. Bollman, Rio Arriba County, "on ground in swamp vicinity of Brazos Canyon", September 1, 1914
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