Mosses of New Mexico Outside of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Didymodon cordatus Jur.
Family: Pottiaceae
Status: Native
Vinealobryum cordatum (Jur.) R.H. Zander
Barbula lurida subsp. cordata (Jur.) Dixon
Barbula cordata (Jur.) Loeske
Didymodon luridus subsp. cordatus (Jur.) J.J. Amann
Didymodon rigidulus subsp. cordata (Jur.) Dism.
Trichostomum cordatum (Jur.) Milde
Didymodon cordatus is quite a remarkable moss in several ways. Perhaps the most interesting
aspect of this moss are the gemmae, which are formed in clusters on the stem at leaf bases below the insertion of the
costae. The gemmae seem to be formed on a short hyaline stalk, possibly in short chains. If the leaves are gently rolled down and off the stem, the gemmae clusters are found on the
abaxial surface of the costal decurrency. The gemmae are mostly green to brown, spherical, very small but
multicellular. The leaves are papillose with low and rather indistinct papillae at least in the
specimen we photographed. The leaf margins are revolute to near the apex. The costa is percurrent to
excurrent and is nearly round on cross section with two well-formed stereid bands.
Many thanks to the University of Colorado Herbarium, Erin Tripp and Dina Clark for allowing us to
photograph this specimen.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Didymodon cordatus, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, dark field photomicrograph of moistened stem, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of leaf, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of leaf (note position of gemmae cluster), collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of leaf apex, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of leaf base, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of gemmae cluster on leaf base/stem, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of gemmae cluster on leaf base/stem, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of gemmae cluster on leaf base/stem, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of gemmae clusters on stem with leaves
removed so that they can be seen, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of gemma, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of leaf cross section, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of cross section of costa, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023

Didymodon cordatus, photomicrograph of distal leaf cross section, collection and ID by V. Schiffner & J. Baumgartner, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich),
at Klosterneuburg, on walls, found growing on the same wall as Barbula unguiculata, April 21, 1903;
photographs by Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, February 25, 2023
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