Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
(Buffalo Gourd)
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Status: Native
Cucurbita perennis Gray
Pepo foetidissima (Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth) Britton
Cucurbita foetidissima is a large plant which is sprawling and prostrate. The leaves can reach large dimensions. The flowers are large and yellow orange with a fringed or rolled margin. The fruits are ovoid and marked with light and dark green when fresh. Cucurbita foetidissima is found at lower to middle elevations. The crushed leaves of this plant have a foul smell, said to resemble the odor of a sweaty armpit. Other members of this family include pumpkin, cucumber and various squashes. Most of these have seeds that look similar to pumpkin or cucumber seeds.
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Cucurbita foetidissima, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, May 19, 2007

Cucurbita foetidissima, closeup of flower, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Gila Bird Area, May 23, 2007

Cucurbita foetidissima, gourds, photo Russ Kleinman, Tyrone, Aug. 12, 2008

Cucurbita foetidissima, closeup of gourd before opening to photograph seeds, photo Russ Kleinman, Tyrone, Jan. 2, 2009

Cucurbita foetidissima, gourd cut in half, photo Russ Kleinman, Tyrone, Jan. 2, 2009

Cucurbita foetidissima, 1x macro of seeds, photo Russ Kleinman, Tyrone, Jan. 2, 2009

Cucurbita foetidissima, closeup of flower, photo Russ Kleinman & Bill Norris, Scott Park, June 9, 2009
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