Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot
Family: Leskeaceae
Status: Native
Hypnum whippleanum Sullivant
Thuidium leuconeuron (Sull. & Lesq.) Lesq.
Claopodium whippleanum is a pleurocarpous moss with rhombic mid-laminal cells that are obviously unipapillose on both surfaces. The papillae are centrally located on the cell. The leaf margins are plane, but bordered with one or two rows of smooth elongate cells that are prorate, making the margin serrate. There are no paraphyllia. Obvious foliose pseudoparaphyllia enclose spherical shoot buds.
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Claopodium whippleanum, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018

Claopodium whippleanum, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018

Claopodium whippleanum, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018

Claopodium whippleanum, photomicrograph of unipapillose midlaminal cells, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018

Claopodium whippleanum, photomicrograph of papillose abaxial leaf surface, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018

Claopodium whippleanum, photomicrograph of pseudoparaphyllia, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018

Claopodium whippleanum, photomicrograph of pseudoparaphyllia, photo Laura Baumann, Russ Kleinman, & Karen Blisard, El Malpais National Monument, Cave 194, April, 2018
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