Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Chimaphila umbellata (Linnaeus) W.P.C. Barton var. acuta (Rydberg) Blake
Family: Ericaceae
Status: Native
Chimaphila umbellata Nuttall var. acuta (Rydberg) Blake
Chimaphila acuta Rydberg
Chimaphila umbellata var. acuta is a small but woody resident of upper elevation forest floors. It is found
in mixed coniferous forests. The leaves are bright green and glossy, shallowy dentate, and oblanceolate. The flowers are nodding and have five pink petals and ten purple anthers. The fruit is a loculicidal capsule.
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Chimaphila umbellata var. acuta, photo Russ Kleinman, Bill Norris, Kelly Kindscher & Danielle Walkup, Mogollon Mtns., Bursum Road, July 23, 2008

Chimaphila umbellata var. acuta, detail of flower (notice obvious terminal pores by which anthers open), photo Russ Kleinman, Bill Norris, Kelly Kindscher & Danielle Walkup, Mogollon Mtns., Bursum Road, July 23, 2008

Chimaphila umbellata var. acuta, closeup of capsules, photo Russ Kleinman, Bill Norris, Richard Felger & Leith Young, Mogollon Mtns., Bursum Road, Aug. 1, 2009

Chimaphila umbellata var. acuta, DAZ herbarium, collector C.A. Huff, Coll. No. 1656, 19 July 1994, Silver Creek Divide, Catron County
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