Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Carphochaete bigelovii Gray
(Bigelow's Bristlehead)
Family: Asteraceae
Status: Native
Carphochaete bigelovii has slender sometimes almost viney branches with fascicles
of leaves in the axils. The flowers are white or rose colored with five long terminal lobes and are individually larger than most flowers in composite flowerheads. The inital impression is not necessarily that of an obvious member of the Asteraceae. The long and conspicuously two parted stigma is strongly exerted. As with all Asteraceae, the stamens are fused by their anthers (syngenesious). The stamens of Carphochaete bigelovii are completely hidden within the long floral tubes. There are typically 3 or 4 florets per discoid flower head (no ray flowers.) The phyllaries and leaves are gland dotted. The elongate pappus scales are purple, plumose near the tip and hyaline margined.
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Carphochaete bigelovii, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Wild Horse Cyn., Apr. 4, 2007

Carphochaete bigelovii, inflorescence, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, Jan. 29, 2009

Carphochaete bigelovii, closeup of inflorescence, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, Jan. 29, 2009

Carphochaete bigelovii, 1x macro of floral tube opened revealing fused anthers, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, Jan. 29, 2009

Carpochaete bigelovii, 1x macro of cypsela (achene & pappus) with clear margined purple elongate scales, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, Jan. 29, 2009

Carphochaete bigelovii, 1x macro of gland dotted leaves in fascicles, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, Jan. 29, 2009

Carphochaete bigelovii, closeup of inflorescence, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, April 5, 2009

Carphochaete bigelovii, closeup of inflorescence, photo Russ Kleinman, Silver City, April 5, 2009

Carphochaete bigelovii, closeup of inflorescences, photo Angela Flanders, Burro Mtns., C Bar Ranch Road, Feb. 28, 2008
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