Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Carlowrightia linearifolia (Torrey) Gray
Family: Acanthaceae
Status: Native
Schaueria linearfolia Torrey
Carlowrightia linearifolia is a lower elevation shrub. It has small purple
flowers and linear to narrowly lanceolate leaves. The flowers have two stamens with sagittate anthers. The fruit is oddly shaped, an oval and flattened capsule. Carlowrightia linearifolia is found on rocky hills.
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Carlowrightia linearifolia, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., WD Ranch Rd., Aug. 28, 2007

Carlowrightia linearifolia, photo Angela Flanders, Burro Mtns., Hoodoo Canyon, September 23, 2009

Carlowrightia linearifolia, closeup of flower, photo Russ Kleinman & Deming Gustafson, Burro Mtns., Engineer Canyon, October 17, 2009

Carlowrightia linearifolia, closeup of herbage, photo Russ Kleinman & Deming Gustafson, Burro Mtns., Engineer Canyon, October 17, 2009

Carlowrightia linearifolia, closeup of flower & fruit, photo Russ Kleinman & Deming Gustafson, Burro Mtns., Engineer Canyon, October 17, 2009

Carlowrightia linearifolia, closeup of fruit, photo Russ Kleinman & Deming Gustafson, Burro Mtns., Engineer Canyon, October 17, 2009
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