Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Brickelliastrum fendleri (Gray) King & H.E. Robinson
(Fendler's Brickellbush)
Family: Asteraceae
Status: Native
Brickellia fendleri Gray
Coleosanthus ambigens Greene
Brickelliastrum fendleri is easy to mistake for Brickellia grandiflora. Brickelliastrum fendleri is also found at middle elevation and in Ponderosa Pine forests, but the easiest distinction in the field is the absence of calyculate bracts in Brickelliastrum fendleri. It also has fewer ridges on the achenes. The flowers of Brickelliastrum fendleri can be bright white, unlike those of Brickellia grandiflora which are usually creamy or yellow.
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Brickelliastrum fendleri, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Kindscher, Lake Roberts, July 15, 2007
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