Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Asclepias quinquedentata A. Gray
(Slimpod Milkweed)
Family: Apocynaceae
Status: Native
Asclepias quinquedentata is similar in habit to A. subverticillata when seen in the fall. The floral characteristics are however quite different. Most obviously, the flower color is purple on A. quinquedentata, not greenish white as in A. subverticillata. The hoods are toothed (dentate). We found A. quinqedentata on a rocky
slope in the Gila.
Many thanks to Andrew Tree for sharing his wonderful pix with us!
Please click on an image for a larger file.

Asclepias quinquedentata, photo Andrew Tree, Pinos Altos Range, July 22,

Asclepias quinquedentata, closeup of inflorescence, photo Andrew Tree, Pinos Altos Range, July 22,

Asclepias quinquedentata, closeup of follicle (fruit), photo Andrew Tree, Pinos Altos Range, August 7,

Asclepias quinquedentata, photo Russ Kleinman with Bob Sivinski, Tim Lowry and the 2018 NPSNM annual meeting
field trip to the Nun Overlook and Railroad Canyon, Black Range, Nun Overlook, September 9,

Asclepias quinquedentata, closeup of follicles, photo Russ Kleinman with Bob Sivinski, Tim Lowry and the 2018 NPSNM annual meeting
field trip to the Nun Overlook and Railroad Canyon, Black Range, Nun Overlook, September 9,

Asclepias quinquedentata, closeup of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman with Bob Sivinski, Tim Lowry and the 2018 NPSNM annual meeting
field trip to the Nun Overlook and Railroad Canyon, Black Range, Nun Overlook, September 9,
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